The Canberra Girls’ Programming Network is a community for female students to learn about computer programming and technology through hands-on workshops. It gives girls exposure to female role models across academia, government and industry.
Please register now by going to the registration page and returning your completed forms to ASD.
Wanna play Guess Who?
Program the Classic Game of Guess Who to play against the computer! Hide your character and get the computer to guess who you’re thinking of, or get the computer to hide a character and you’ll Guess Who!
University of Canberra, University Dr, Bruce ACT 2617
Female students from grades 4 to 12.
Absolutely no coding experience necessary! We cater for girls of all programming skill levels.
You’ll need to register to attend. Please fill out the application form here and return it to ASD.
Registrations will close once fully subscribed.
You will receive information and confirmation via email prior to the workshop day.
Have questions you would like a Canberra GPN tutor to answer? Send us an email at canberragpn@gmail.com.